Brian MacCarvill is currently taking the ODOC (Oregon Department Of Correction) to court over its categorization of anarchists as a STG (Security Threat Group). This categorization means that literature dealing with anarchism is indiscriminately rejected by the prison authority. For instance a global household publication can be rejected for containing a picture containing an anarchist symbol.

As things stand at the present, anything which displays or contains the anarchist 'circle A' or the anarchist black cross is rejected without question. Anything that mentions anarchism or anarchy is rejected for STG content. Also the prisoners have no way to challenge the rejection of 'STG content' classed material, and Brian will also be challenging this 'unquestionable right'.

To highlight the stupidity of such unilateral discrimination both Brian and his cellmate Rob Thaxton called for postcards displaying the circle A or the anarchist Black Cross, and bearing the legend " this is not a gang symbol" to be sent to them in OSP (Oregon State Prison). The response from the outside was good enough to provoke the prison authorities to send both men to solitary confinement, which is where the pass their prison sourjorn today.

Despite the obvious hardship they are enduring, both activists wish the postcard campain to continue.

We in the Dublin APS fully support this campain and urge the reader to send a postcard to Brian and Rob each, and to encourage their comrades to do the same. Ready made postcards are available at from us upon request or you could manufacture them youself. It does not matter as long as they display the 'circle
A' or the Black Cross symbol and the legend "this is not a Gang symbol" upon them. Also, any mail without a return address is rejected by the prison for that reason alone, so be sure to include one.

The addresses to send your postcards are;

Brian MacCarvill #1103796
>OSP. 2605 State Street, Salem OR 97310, U.S.A
Rob Thaxton #12112716
OSP. 2605 State Street, Salem OR 97310, U.S.A

Finally, Brian's Court case is going to cost money, so if you have any spare you could do worse than send donate it to help ease Brian's legal costs. Any donations, no matter how small are URGENTLY needed. Money orders or cashier checks only made out to:

The prison of Brian McCarvill #11037967
and sent to:
Central Trust
PO Box 1440,
97309-5077, USA
